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Medical professionals at Urgent Care 24/7 and Dental Care 24/7 share their answers to your questions.

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How Do I Use PEP therapy and How Can Positive Expiratory Pressure Help My Lungs?

Melea, of Urgent Care 24/7. explains how PEP therapy works with the alveoli deep in the lungs to break up mucus and other secretions. She demonstrates the use of the flutter device, how it works, how often to use it, and how to clean it.

What Are Cavities and What Should I Do If I Have One?

Mary Armstrong of Dental Care 24/7, an affiliate of UrgentCare 24/7, explains how bacteria can lead to decay, which can lead to a hole in your tooth called a cavity. She stresses the importance of regular checkups to care for any cavity before it gets to the nerve of the tooth.

Pulse Oximetry: Learn to Measure Your Blood Oxygen Levels and Monitor Your Heart Rate

Melea, of Urgent Care 24/7, explains how to use a pulse oximeter (important during the Covid pandemic) and gives the range of 90-100 as acceptable blood oxygen or SpO2 levels and 60 - 100 beats per minutes for your heart.. She also discusses some reasons for inaccurate measurements.

What Causes Abdominal Pain and How Do You Treat Abdominal Pain?

Dr. Jerry Williams explains some of the causes of abdominal pain including general gastro intestinal or bladder problems, urinary tract infections, and kidney or blood vessel issues. He notes that it's very important to get evaluated by a health care professional if your abdominal pain is a primary symptom.

How Do I Remove a Tick and Care for a Tick Bite?

Dr. Jerry Williams explains that the majority of tick bites don't cause disease, and discusses how to remove a tick with tweezers and clean the area. He suggests watching the area for any local reaction as well as looking for signs of illness including fever, malaise, joint pain, body aches, or a rash that would mean you need to see a medical professional.

The Importance of Vitamin D (Part 2)

Dr. Joe DeStefano explains that vitamin D impacts your sex hormone, insulin resistance, and your immune system. He explains why it's important to get your levels tested, and how to increase your vitamin D intake through foods and supplements.

The Importance of Vitamin D (Part 1)

Vitamin D is right up there with vitamin B12 in importance, explains Dr. Joe DeStefano. He tells us that Vitamin D is responsible for binding 300+ genes and is does far more than just promote strong bones and teeth.

Heart Disease: Risk Factors, Family History, and More

Dr. Joe DeStefano discusses the many types of heart disease including, ischemic cardiomyopathy, heart attacks, hardening of the arteries, and more. He also explains the major risk factors: genetics, smoking, and high cholesterol.

What to Know About Hypertension

Dr. Joe DeStefano discusses the two broad categories of hypertension and explains treatment options. He also notes that not many people experience symptoms and explains why it's important to check your blood pressure frequently.

What to Know About Iron Disorders (Part 2)

Dr. Joe DeStefano of Urgent Care 24/7 discusses hemochromatosis and its symptoms in early and advanced stages. He also explains the importance of monitoring iron levels and of being aware of your ancestral background as those of Scotch Irish descent are more apt to present with the disease.