Learn about your health with urgent care 24/7

Medical professionals at Urgent Care 24/7 and Dental Care 24/7 share their answers to your questions.

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What to Do After an Animal Bite

Dr. Jerry Williams of Urgent Care 24/7 talks about animal bites and what you should do if you're bitten by an animal.

There are steps you need to take to fight off infection. And you should know when to come in to get medical care.

What to Know about Mosquito Bites and West Nile Virus

Dr. Jerry Williams of Urgent Care 24/7 talks about the common summer pest, the mosquito.

And what you should do if you've got a mosquito bite. Also, how to look out for West Nile Virus which mosquitoes can sometimes spread.

What to Know About Pink Eye

Dr. Jerry Williams of Urgent Care 24/7 shares what you need to know about pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, which is an irritation or inflammation of your eye. It's caused by allergies, bacterial infections, or viral infections and is extremely contagious.

What to Know about Jellyfish Stings

Dr. Jerry Williams of Urgent Care 24/7 talks about jellyfish stings.

What you should do to treat jellyfish stings. And when you should seek out medical care if you're having a severe reaction.

Common Cold or the Flu? What You Need to Know

The medical staff at Urgent Care 24/7 shares the differences between just the common cold and influenza (the flu).

The flu is a more serious illness with more severe symptoms than a cold. Including body aches, fever, and headaches.

Strep Throat or Sore Throat? What You Need to Know

The medical staff at Urgent Care 24/7 contrasts the differences between a simple sore throat and strep throat.

Strep throat is bacterial and can be treated with antibiotics. Sore throats need other supportive care for treatment.

Diabetes Awareness Month

The medical staff at Urgent Care 24/7 gives you a quick update on diabetes.

This disease affects the blood sugar in your body and can cause all kinds of issues throughout your body. Over 30 million people in the US have diabetes.

RSV: Respiratory Syncytial Virus and What You Need to Know

The medical staff at Urgent Care 24/7 talks about RSV.

This aggressive and contagious virus is similar to the common cold. While it can affect anyone, it's usually seen in infants and children. The buildup of mucus it causes can lead to serious lung infections.

Online Telemedicine at Urgent Care 24/7

The medical staff at Urgent Care 24/7 share about the opportunities that online telemedicine give you.

They also talk about the different opportunities for remote medical care provided through online telemedicine.

Rock and Roll Marathon in Savannah and Hydration Therapy

The medical staff at Urgent Care 24/7 share the importance of keeping hydrated during strenuous exercise.

They also share some of the common symptoms to watch out for if you think that you might be dehydrated.