November 22, 2022
Spring is here! As the world warms up and comes back to life, all that blooming greenery causes a lot of people to suffer from seasonal allergies. Runny noses, itchy skin, red or watery eyes, itchy throats, sneezing and coughing are all common symptoms of seasonal allergies. You may feel like Rudolph, with a swollen, red nose you’re sure everyone can see. Severe cases can lead to asthma attacks or even anaphylaxis.
Your body triggers an allergic reaction when your immune system is exposed to a foreign substance it doesn’t like. Cat dander, bee venom, mold, mildew and pollen are common allergens. Your body sees a threat and triggers antibodies even though those items aren’t actually harmful to you. When those allergies happen at certain time of year, those are called seasonal allergies.
Typically, seasonal allergies happen during pollination. Trees, grass, flowers and other plants release pollen in the air to cause fertilization. If you hear people talk about hay fever or seasonal rhinitis (swelling and irritation of the mucous membrane in your nose), they’re talking about seasonal allergies by another name.
Many of the symptoms of seasonal allergies are similar to those of a cold, especially the sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes. Here’s how to tell the difference between allergies and other similar illnesses:
As part of regular physical exams, a quality urgent care clinic should offer you the opportunity to get a full work up of allergy testing. Knowing exactly what you’re allergic to is critical to creating the right plan for treatment.
Most seasonal allergies can be successfully treated with over-the-counter medications, including antihistamines and decongestants. The antihistamines will stop the body’s reaction to the allergen and the decongestants will dry out your rhinitis symptoms, stopping the runny nose and watery eyes. Those may be in the form of pills, eyedrops or nasal sprays, among others. Neti pots and similar devices to wash out the nasal cavity and sinuses are also now popular at-home treatments for season allergies; they use distilled water to flush allergens out of the nose and sinuses. (NOTE: Failure to follow directions exactly can cause infections and illnesses. Ask a medical professional if using a nasal wash of any kind should be an option for you or not.)
But for many people, over the counter treatments are not enough. They may require a prescription-strength version of those medications or even a shot to reduce allergy symptoms. In the case of allergy-induced asthma, a prescription inhaler can be helpful, and that requires a doctor’s visit.
If you suffer from seasonal allergies, don’t suffer! Our team of caring, dedicated professionals will listen to your symptoms, assess your condition and treat your allergies with the right combination of medications and other therapies.
Don’t wait! At Urgent Care 24/7, we are available around the clock to take care of you and your family’s needs in every season, including allergy!